Translating socio-cultural transformations into historical maps on land use changes: the case of lafkenmapu (Araucania, Chile)

Translating socio-cultural transformations into historical maps on land use changes: the case of lafkenmapu (Araucania, Chile)

Detalles del proyecto

Peña-Cortés F, M Escalona, J Soria-Lara, J Pincheira-Ulbrich, C Salinas, F Alarcón

Descripcion del proyecto

While it is widely known that socio-cultural transformations have a spatial impact on geographical areas, limited attention has been paid to mapping such transformations. This paper aims to explore how historical maps of land-use changes can be excellent tools for this purpose. The Lafkenmapu area in Chile, which has undergone critical socio-cultural transformations over the last five centuries, served as a case study. A total of five historical periods were described and translated into land-use change maps (pre-Hispanic; colonial; post-colonial; state consolidation; present). Non-cartographic (e.g. historical chronicles and publications) and cartographic sources (historical maps, aerial photography and satellite images) were integrated for each period to create a timeline map. Finally, some concluding remarks discuss the added value of the maps as a tool for a better understanding of the impact of socio-cultural transformations on land use and population distribution.

Copyright © 2018 Laboratorio de Planificación Territorial

Seminario Gestión de la Emergencia: desde lo Local a lo Global

El equipo del laboratorio de Planificación Territorial de la Universidad Católica de Temuco, les invita a participar del “Seminario Gestión de la Emergencia: desde lo Local a lo Global”, en el marco del proyecto FONDEF Idea: “GESTIÓN DEL RIESGO DE DESASTRE ANTE LA OCURRENCIA DE EVENTOS CATASTRÓFICOS A TRAVÉS DE ESCENARIOS PROSPECTIVOS DE SOPORTE DECISIONAL Un aporte piloto geoespacial para el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia en la Región de La Araucanía, Chile”; y en el marco de la conmemoración del Día Internacional para la Reducción de los Desastres.

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